We shall not be silent.

As Ugandan children grow before the adults, displaying different abilities, behavior, cognitive development and social competence is inevitable.

We shall not be silent.

Different children have different ways of growth, some children are quiet and others are subtle in their growth. However, during the lockdown, children have built walls and they only communicate at the time and place they choose.

Back then in time before the lockdowns came up, children had major guides; the parents, teachers and spiritual leaders. These were very key in the way all our children would grow up. However, the children are now left alone busy trying to make ends meet, the teachers and spiritual leaders who played the role of disciplining the children are still under this irritating lockdown. Children are now at stake and surely we as Christians and teachers at the same time ought to wake up and stand for what is right.

We ought to raise our voices against this silent oppression and control. Schools and churches are now vaccination centers!  Don't we have hospitals, health centers or even polling stations within the communities that can be used as vaccination centers? Using schools as vaccination centers could bring phobia for school. What a shame that even our own children who would be ready to step into their bright futures are now vendors in markets and others are becoming parents at tender ages. Over 9,000 girls below the age of 18 have become pregnant and slowly their chance of continuing with school fades away in thin air.

Teachers and spiritual leaders have always had a lot of influence on our young generation because our children spend most of the time with these people. Our children spend 6 days with the teachers and at least 2 days with spiritual leaders hence the influence they have on them. The positive impact has been lost now that the children are being raised on television screens and other media broadcasts which are portraying the agenda of the God of this world. Our children are now left vulnerable and helpless.

The religious leaders that we have been banking our hope on, have slowly deserted their role and sold all our liberties to the philosophies of the present day. As Christian teachers, parents and leaders we stand to say that we shall no longer be the mighty giants fast asleep. Now that we have the revelation and all authority, we shall surely take up our stand and defend what is upright and just to everyone in the world today and especially in Uganda.


The guest writer is an Education Consultant and teacher.