For years, talks about a possible climate change crisis have prevailed through media outlets, raising concerns about it at various international meetings and pacts.


The media and climate crisis alarmists mention melting glaciers, rising sea levels, increased earth temperature, ozone depletion, environmental dangers of fuel, and more. Climate change agreements are said to address several 'crucial' issues, but frankly, the climate crisis is unrealistic.

What truly exists is the Global Agenda crisis. It's a form of control disguised as urgency to counter potential natural crises. For instance, against the climate change crisis, there is what's referred to as a climate emergency, and the panic button has been pressed to paint the picture that we are running out of time. The Global Climate Agenda, like previous agendas, is an elitist narrative that masquerades as convenience but intends to control the masses, including you.

Let's examine the Net Zero 2050 Coalition Agenda, which aims to cut carbon emissions through enforcing measures like 15-minute cities without private vehicles, limiting clothing to three items per year, eliminating meat and dairy consumption, and allowing only one short flight every three years, among others. Part of the implementation measures for this includes significantly strengthening NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) from participating governments.

If we delve deeper into this, we realize that this is a terrible way to live. Milk and meat are necessary sources of protein that have been consumed for millennia, and it's reckless to assume that any further consumption will cause a global climate catastrophe. In the Netherlands, the state wants to seize farmlands and control when farmers plant and grow food. An article published on Time's website states, "On the one hand, rising concern about animal welfare and awareness of agriculture’s environmental impact, especially regarding climate change (animal husbandry contributes 14.5% of greenhouse gas emissions), has led to a broad and growing movement to reduce meat consumption and improve livestock conditions." However, this assumption is highly questionable.

What these elites or globalists won't tell you, which has been scientifically known for ages, is that carbon dioxide is beneficial for plants and essential for them to reach their full growth potential. Therefore, emitting it at levels where nature can recycle it within the ecosystem is not catastrophic. Carbon dioxide is a necessity and not a threat as the Globalists have twisted it to appear. To be realistic, why would the state need to seize farmlands to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, knowing that these farms produce food to feed their citizens? Interestingly, carbon dioxide is essential for the food production process as it supports plant growth. The actual intention behind this forceful execution of climate concern is to stage a global food shortage and force you to eat bugs, the new trend being promoted by Hollywood's finest! It should be of little wonder that more than a dozen meat factories and food processing plants caught fire last year in the US alone.

Regarding agendas, the globalists were also behind the 2020 global COVID lockdown. They instigated a pandemic to set the stage to freely exert control over the people before introducing their autocratic draconian leadership. By imposing mandatory SOPs such as; staying at home, maintaining social distance, isolating from loved ones, and wearing masks, they limited our freedom of movement. As if the experiment was not satisfying enough, they introduced mandatory vaccination and implemented policies that cost any anti-vaxxer their job. It's only after all these wrongs were done that the truth about vaccines not working emerged, and we witnessed more vaccinated people dying than the unvaccinated.

Now, just as they paraded COVID-19 to control you, today they are using climate change and blaming you for causing it. If you think about it, they convene for these conferences on chartered aircrafts and rarely drive electric vehicles to these meeting venues. Instead, they exert control by dictating your behavior, determining when you can drive your car, what car to drive, when to drive it, and even what you eat, all in the name of saving an environment that has endured worse for centuries. Presently, in New York, gas cooking has been declared illegal, and domestic flights have recently been banned in France. This facade of illusive convenience is the disguise for their global net zero control.

Nevertheless, resisting these evils is easy. With the right insight and foresight to counter them, we can push back against them. In these dark times, the secret plans have been prophetically revealed by Prophet Elvis Mbonye. In December 2018, long before any public or obvious signs of a pandemic outbreak, he unveiled the secret plans that were being orchestrated by the globalists through national governments to control the world, come the year 2020. In a video found on his YouTube channel through this link,, he offers further insight into these plans, exposing the various sloganeering campaigns that world leaders run to promote these agendas and make them appealing to the masses.

This revelation of the COVID plans perfectly aligns with how climate change is being used for the same agenda. The two evils are not parallel in any manner or form, and just as we witnessed COVID lockdowns, they are now proposing climate lockdowns, as seen with the concept of 15-minute cities.

The power lies in our hands more than it does with the globalists because all they need from us is submission and total acceptance of what they sell. Since their plans represent darkness, we should remember that darkness doesn't have dominion over light. By considering Prophet Elvis Mbonye to be a voice of reason in these dark times and heeding his words, his revelations of all their secrets and evil agenda will help us resist effectively. By doing so, we not only rise with might and light to resist all tangible forms of global control and darkness but also free ourselves from the shackles of the self-imposed systems of the globalists and enjoy true freedom.

Written by; Asha Wandulu a strong advocate of #ResistTheGlobalClimateAgenda.

The writer is also a member of the NCSA leadership, law and governance cohort.