Isn't it a shame that the Church is being turned into a Vaccination Center?

A number of pastors, teachers, and evangelists among others in the body of Christ with an acute accuracy believe that we are living in the last days. Each of them has a peculiar explanation, experience or narration stating what drew them to that conclusion, however, all the different experiences converge at the fact that a revelation of the same was handed down to them by God and little wonder majority of the Christians in this stretch of time are for the notion that, we are indeed living in the last of the last days.

Isn't it a shame that the Church is being turned into a Vaccination Center?
church should not be turned into a Vaccination center

Haggai 2:8 records that the latter church will have a greater glory than the former church, but a close illumination of the current state of affairs shows that there is still a niche that needs to be stitched if the church is to fully exude a glory that's greater than the glory exuded by the former church.

Let’s for a moment go back in time just to analyze how the former church, a church with a lesser glory handled its contemporary affairs. Whenever the children of God were faced with a plague, a disease, an infirmity or even the desire to decide whether they should go to battle, they instantly sought the voice of the Lord, they prayed to God and then they expected Him to speak or have spoken to his servants the Prophets. After prayer, they ardently sought the mind of the Lord through the Prophets. The kings or leaders of any society in the Bible that believed in the Lord as we claim to do today through our motto "For God and My Country" never did anything without consulting the Prophets, without a sincere prayer or direction from the Almighty God.

However, the latter Church, a church supposed to be exuding a greater glory, when faced with a plague, will instead get caught up in receiving khaki envelopes, in legislating things that stifle the operations of the church. The leadership of that nation will first pass a decree and then pretend to have a national prayer breakfast. Unfortunately, the church leaders also patiently wait for the direction of the State leadership instead of giving the state leadership the requisite Godly direction. The church is also too divided to notice that the oppression it’s facing can only be reverted if the Church is united. Unfortunately, some of the priests are taken up by the plague and their senses marred with the plague that it’s elevated far above all they can think and imagine. Many of them have put their trust in the science and their faith is abandoned for science. They believe science more than the supernatural healing they once experienced, preached and believed. Their sermons have changed from the good news to the current Covid updates leaving nothing to show any greater glory as expected.

Jesus referred to the Church as a house of prayer and not a den of thieves (Matthew 21:13). Isn’t it a shame that the Church is being turned into a vaccination center? It's such a mockery for anyone to think that the House Of God, a place designated for his worship should be turned into a scientific facility. Where is our faith? Is it in the lord or in the vaccine? It can't be in both because you can't serve two masters. God is either worshipped or He is not. He is either believed or he is not. No grey area! Let the hospitals be vaccination centers and the places of worship be a place to worship. It's called giving Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser and God what's for God.

In the former church, the one with a lesser glory, the priests then never listened to the science, it was the medical practitioners that sought priestly direction and yet the priests had no single qualification, save that of listening to the lord and relaying His information to His People.  When the order of things changes, it better change in the pattern of what the Lord is saying.

Well, elucidating  what the lord is saying today, I looked at a tweet from one of the Prophets alive today, Prophet Elvis Mbonye, and it stated, "Say to them that are of a  fearful heart, be strong, fear not, behold your God will come with vengeance even God with a recompense he will come and save you . Isaiah 35:4.”

This shows that the child of God literally has nothing to fear. This also shades light to every single believer out there who believes, that we may believe that we have nothing to fear. We won't settle for directives from the leaders. The church of God is a place for all, not just 200 people. It's baffling that the same people whose numbers are restricted in Church under the guise of regulating the spread of the plague can freely interact elsewhere peacefully. What a mockery! Let the churches have the full unconditional opening to serve and worship the Lord how He wants to be worshipped. If tens of thousands can gather for a burial, tens of thousands can gather for a prayer.

Stop Religious Oppression.