What Are You Valuing?

This rings a bell in our daily way of life as to what we recognize as essential or not. Yes, the value system may be derived in many aspects but is yet practically applicable in our day-to-day life.

What Are You Valuing?

Take, for instance, in this age, we are graced with a great anointing in our midst. Prophet Elvis Mbonye has exemplified the true Spirit of Prophecy, but to an ordinary man, it may seem to be nothing. Well, that’s what they have chosen to value.

Take a look at the great prophecies about different nations and their leadership. To many, it is widely open, yet they can’t recognize the importance of valuing the Prophetic. They are left in shambles due to their decisive means of thinking and acting. Well, “Psalms 127:1: Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” Our adherence to or perception of our lives ought to change by recognizing the governing factor in our lives. In this way, we value that which is more valuable. In simple terms, life is more spiritual, for every outcome in the physical reality of life is set first spiritually. When people get a hold of this, then yes, there is a lot yet to change in their lives. The essence of the Prophetic is to exonerate the whole church and act as a binding factor to the church. When people choose to value something out of the system of God, they can’t come up with a more glorious life than that given by God.

Most nations are built up by intellectual bodies that think of how to sustain their economies. Let’s say of nations that claim to recognize God: are they really for God, or is that a cover-up in their system? You can yet look up a number of nations and realize where their value system really is, whether for God or some other mishap. “2 Timothy 3:5: Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” When a nation’s value shifts from that which was low to a more glorious one, then its ways (economies, planning) also shift. So ideally, when a nation chooses to value God’s system, then shall they be sustained by God, unlike that which professes but yet doesn’t uphold God’s system. “When you go astray, you shall not inherit the land of promise.”


Written by: Edmund Okadapau.
The Writer is a member of the National Christian Students Association.