Dubai and Kenya have been flooding, for the case of Dubai many cited the scientific phenomenon called cloud seeding. Kenya for the most part surely has been hit by things that are unnatural, hail stones in places where they have never happened. Even if the over flooding waters made free fish deliveries at the door way, no one would comfortably enjoy such a living.


In the near past, France has been burning with nationwide riots. Currently there is an ongoing war in Gaza and the skies of Ukraine and Russia are lit by rockets and missiles. Have the current affairs taken us by surprise? Should we prepare the last supper and bid each other farewell? Surely in the last days, those that will be alive were promised aforetime that they will hear rumours of wars and see natural catastrophes, are these the days?

Science seems to have been caught out napping, so who should we have our trust in? Perhaps we have worked so hard to silence the mouth that foresaw such dreadful events. A time should come when we have to stand in the ways and ask for the sure ancient path that was followed by the men of old who said the awe-striking things that have come to pass or those that we are anticipating to happen. Did they use common sense and natural intelligence, artificial intelligence (AI) or supernatural feats were performed in their display? Under which environments did they say what they said?

There was once a government call it a kingdom with a king called Ahab, this time he was unlucky to take the most beautiful damsel of that time home for a wife. Finding a beautiful woman for a wife is unequivocal but landing onto one as Ahab did was not only unlucky but also perilous.

The beautiful queen wanted all things in her control and often acted in the name of the king without his consent at all. At the epitome of her wicked display, she appointed men who spoke things appealing to the state and to the king having assassinated the men of God of that day. God had reserved Himself a remnant who when he spoke the entire world didn’t receive rain in 3 and a half years and when he called down fire, flames rained onto the earth.

This kindled the fury of the queen that her sugar-coated bitter tab was ripped open for the true bitterness it was, that she sought the life of this man. Regulating the state of worship had not contained him neither had he bowed to conform to the confines of a kind of God that fitted her encyclopedia. The queen walked so closely with the devil that now there is an evil spirit called Jezebel (Rev 2: 20) which wasn’t there before her descent, however Elijah the prophet walked so much with God that even science has never found his remains (2 Kings 2: 11).

The wisest man ever recorded, that’s king Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1: 9) and we also know that the things which were written aforetime were written for our learning (Romans 15: 4). Therefore, the things happening nowadays where men seek to control the move of the Spirit of God are reincarnations of ancient spirits of the accuser of the brethren that never profited humanity but left livelihood in turmoil.

Those sane enough, with a construct of a weigh bridge in their minds can weigh in on the proposed religious bill and tell us who will be speaking under the astringent conditions set by the state. However, to sound a caution, those planning harm for the liberty of the move of the Spirit of God will face the full-blown portion of the reward so undesirable. The Spirit of God is a force to recon with, those against His ways are merely a farce! Having said that, we have been gifted with Prophet Elvis Mbonye, who truly exudes the authority of God on earth. It is imperative that we do due diligence not to stifle what God is doing through him and other men of God.

In 2011, W. Cole Durham, Jr. Susa Young Gates University Professor of Law and Director, International Center for Law and Religion Studies and J. Reuben Clark Law School Brigham Young University wrote in the article titled “Religious Freedom in a Worldwide Setting: Comparative Reflections” and sounded a warning that the crisis facing religious freedom is not a direct frontal attack, but rather a gradual erosion and loss of perspective on the importance of religious freedom.


Written by Lwasa Deric Hope