President William Samoei Ruto Should Have Known Better: A Legacy on a Highway to Shambles

The 5th President of the Republic of Kenya, William Samoei Ruto, is undeniably a well-decorated politician and an honorable man who already boasted an enviable portfolio in Kenya's political and wealth arenas before his eventual rise to the nation’s top political office in 2022.

President William Samoei Ruto Should Have Known Better: A Legacy on a Highway to Shambles

A self-proclaimed messiah for the hustlers of Kenya, Ruto carried the metaphorical rod of Moses to lead them out of captivity—a notable branding style throughout his campaigns. However, neither his intellect, wealth, political acumen, nor campaign strategy alone guaranteed him the seat at the helm of government. What did secure his position was prophecy.

He himself testified that prayers played a crucial role in his election victory, witnessed by all nations. Before his relationship with then-President Uhuru Kenyatta deteriorated, Prophet Elvis Mbonye had already declared at one of his weekly Tuesday meetings that Ruto would ascend to the presidency. This prophecy also signified a new era for Kenya and a clear path for Ruto in his pursuit of the presidential seat. Prophet Mbonye's prayers further cemented Ruto's win, backing him with spiritual authority far surpassing the deep state’s craft, muscle, and resources.

Consequently, Ruto emerged as President, thanks to Prophet Elvis Mbonye.

Everything seemed set for a swift rise along the path of destiny for Kenya and President Ruto. However, the devil laid a trap ahead, disguised as a well-meaning and wise counsel in the form of a religious regulation policy. This policy sought to subject the Church of God to a system controlled by fallible men who would dictate the right to worship, effectively taking God's place in His church. These so-called stewards were, in reality, modern wolves in sheep's clothing, aiming to alienate the Church from God and make it worship a secular system.

The policy required the Church to adhere to demonic rules to remain recognized in Kenya, and President Ruto, identifying as a Christian, was duped into consenting to this policy.This happened because the President ignored the direction and counsel of God’s authorized spiritual authority, Prophet Elvis Mbonye, choosing man’s foolishness over God’s wisdom.

As a result, Kenya veered off its destined path, heading toward catastrophe. Nevertheless, Prophet Mbonye remained determined to guide Kenya back on course, sending a special message to Kenyan leaders about the consequences if this policy was not reversed. He warned of impending hailstorms and provided a remedy to preempt further catastrophe, detailed in his YouTube video titled “What I saw about KENYA In Prophecy.” Despite this, the President, who should lead his nation according to God’s will, remained unresponsive—a stance displeasing to God and His chosen authority, the Prophet.

These actions guaranteed unprecedented judgment from God, akin to the plagues of Egypt, plunging Kenya into a roller coaster of disasters. This judgment not only spells trouble for Kenya but also for President Ruto, who ignored God's  guidance after attaining power—a foolish move for any leader. This ensures that President William

Ruto’s once-decorated legacy is headed for shambles. He will be remembered as the leader who led Kenya into destruction, forfeiting its ordained place in global and divine affairs.

This should serve as a lesson for Ugandan leaders who might consider similar actions—God is never mocked! There is still hope, however. God is eternally loving, and His mercies are renewed every day. Prophet Elvis Mbonye has continuously interceded for Kenya and its President. Yet, this grace should not be taken for granted. Kenya and its leadership must quickly awaken to the guidance ofProphet Elvis Mbonye and take advantage of it. 

I hope the President and leaders of Kenya heed this spiritual enlightenment and act upon it. Kenya does not deserve to fall into ruin, nor should a Christian President’s legacy, especially when there is a prophet who can foretell the future and guide the way—freely given by God. A final call has been made, which can be found on Prophet Elvis Mbonye’s YouTube page titled “KENYA Listen Carefully!!! PROPHECY.” I hope Kenya heeds the Prophet’s urgent message.

Okwera N. Herbert

The writer is a member of the NCSA

NCSA Faith and Religion Cohort