The Climate Change Agenda: An Assault on Agriculture and Freedom

Over the years, climate change has dominated the media as scientists warn that failure to change our ways could lead to catastrophic consequences. Yet, time and again, these predictions have not materialized.

The Climate Change Agenda: An Assault on Agriculture and Freedom
climate change

This raises a critical question: why does mainstream media continue to instill fear about climate change? A key focus of this narrative has been agriculture, often accused of being a primary contributor to climate change. Recently, organizations like the World Economic Forum and individuals such as Bill Gates have called for drastic measures, including limiting farming practices, such as curtailing cattle populations and administering mRNA vaccines to reduce methane emissions from cows.

However, is it truly right to limit farming? Agriculture is the backbone of the global economy; humanity relies on it for survival. The direct attack on farming warrants serious concern. The global climate change agenda often demonizes carbon dioxide (CO2), despite its essential role in plant growth and sustaining life on Earth.

Evidence of this attack on farming is evident through increasing diesel taxes, government land grabs, and initiatives to cull over 40,000 cattle, which are already happening in countries like Australia, the Netherlands, and Ireland. These actions threaten food supply and could lead to widespread scarcity. Furthermore, one must question why Bill Gates, who promotes vaccinating cows, is also advocating for a shift to lab-grown meat and insect-based diets, while traditional farming practices are being undermined. Articles have suggested that lab-grown meat may pose health risks, including cancer.

Additionally, the World Health Organization's recent warnings about a new strain of bird flu coincide with the ongoing assault on farming, reminiscent of the tactics seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first detection of the H7N3 strain occurred at an egg farm in Australia, prompting mandatory vaccinations for farmers under the threat of losing their licenses. In Iowa, over 40,000 chickens were culled to control the outbreak.

This situation mirrors the COVID-19 response, where vaccination was mandated and later revealed to be driven by a broader agenda. Notably, public figures like Dr. Fauci and leaders in various countries have faced backlash for their handling of the pandemic, with some issuing apologies for their actions.

Farmers across Europe, particularly in the Netherlands, France, Australia, and Italy, are protesting against unjust diesel taxes, forced vaccinations, and the culling of livestock. The ultimate goal of this assault on agriculture appears to be the establishment of a totalitarian state, where individuals lose ownership and choice, reliant on plant-based foods and insects.

In times of bondage, we must resist the climate change agenda that seeks to control and oppress. As the scripture states, “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17). The prophetic warnings from individuals like Elvis Mbonye, who foresaw the COVID-19 agenda, remind us to remain vigilant against the encroachments on our freedoms.

The attack on agriculture affects everyone, not just farmers. We must collectively resist these policies and the push for forced vaccinations, and heed the warnings from those who have foreseen these developments. We are fortunate to have prophetic voices guiding us, and it is crucial that we rise up to avoid the yoke of climate change bondage, just as we did with COVID-19. “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1).

Written by: Asha Wandulu
The writer is a member of the National Christian Students Association